lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

Listening Comprehension (ADULTS 3 & ADULTS 4)

Dear students,
I would like you to watch this youtube video from an American TV Show called The Cosby Show:

Once having watched it, please do the following exercise:

Listening Comprehension
-Part 1-
1. Find a sentence containing a question tag and say what character uses it (the mother, the youngest sister, etc.).
2. Find a sentence in the future (will, be going to).
3. Find a sentence in the past simple, either a positive, negative statement or a question.
4. Find an imperative sentence.

-Part 2-
1.Translate these words or expressions appearing in the video. Then, write the character who utters them:
a) "fortune teller"  b) "Don't get me wrong"  c) "Begging for money for pizza" d) "Or else it can spoil and you can get very sick"
2. Summarize the whole episode extract with as much detail as possible. (at least 90 words)

-Part 3- 
3. Write an essay talking about your first day of school, your first day at the university or your first working day. Write 150 words roughly.

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