jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Adults 4 Extra practice

Unit 1

Name: _______________________________________

1 How do you say these numbers and dates? Circle the

correct form (a or b).

Example 321

a three hundred and twenty-one

b three hundreds twenty-one

1 Liverpool 3–Chelsea 0 (football score)

a Liverpool three–Chelsea zero

b Liverpool three–Chelsea nil

2 01902 (phone code)

a nought one nine nought two

b oh one nine oh two

3 40–0 (tennis score)

a forty–love b forty–nil

4 7 May (date)

a the seventh of May b the seven of May

5 1999 (year)

a one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine

b nineteen ninety-nine


2 Complete the table with the other parts of speech. Two

examples have been given.

Noun Adjective Verb


promise promising promise

scare __________ __________

poison __________ __________

__________ organized __________

__________ __________ entertain

__________ __________ hate


3 Mark the stress on the following words.

Example 'promise

organized development promising

playful entertain

4 Complete the sentences with a compound noun or

adjective formed from life, house, or home. Make sure

you spell the word correctly (one word, two words, or

with a hyphen).

Example I never buy potatoes from a supermarket.

All our vegetables are home-grown.

1 My children hated living abroad. They were

__________ the whole time.

2 Since they won the lottery, they’ve enjoyed a

luxurious __________ .

3 I do my grandmother’s shopping as she is

__________ .

4 Due to advances in medical science, people’s

__________ has increased.

5 We’ve finished decorating, so we’re organizing a

__________ party for all our friends.

6 I was shocked to see the number of __________

people sleeping on the streets.

(2 points for each correct answer)

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, be,

or have. Some of the answers are negative.
Example Have you ever been to Japan?

1 I work in a large company, but I ____ like it very


2 ____ you been waiting long?

3 It’s very hot today, ____ it?

4 I don’t understand what they ____ saying.

5 The job ____ advertised in last night’s paper.

6 You don’t see your parents very often. When ____

they emigrate?

7 ‘Have you moved house yet?’ ‘No, we ____ .’

8 A new road ____ being built through the town

centre at the moment.


6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

verb in italics. One example has been given.


1 We have French classes twice a week.

2 Don’t call the office at one o’clock. We

____________________ a meeting.

3 You’re so lucky! You ____________________ three

holidays already this year.


4 I’m a designer, but I ____________________ in the

sales department at the moment.

5 She ____________________ in London when I last

saw her.

6 He ____________________ for three different

companies since last year.


7 Before she emigrated last year, she ____ never

____________________ abroad.

8 People ____________________ to the moon in the

25th century.

9 I ____________________ 5,000 miles by the end of

this month.

(2 points for each correct answer)

7 Make these sentences passive.

Example They’re repairing the bridge.

The bridge is being repaired.

1 Has someone repaired your car?


2 They haven’t printed the results yet.


3 They won’t tell the staff about the problems.


4 They are improving the property.


5 They don’t manufacture computers at that factory.


6 They will advertise the new product on TV.


7 They must do the work carefully.



8 Translate these sentences.

1 She took the plunge and decided to emigrate about

a month ago.



2 We all suffered from culture shock at first, but now

we feel very much at home.



3 You’re boring me with all your questions. Go and

look it up in a book.



4 If you’re bored, there’s plenty of housework to be




5 My life has changed a lot since I was made

redundant last year.



6 When my father was a child, his family decided to

move abroad.



7 When I went to London last week, I had dinner at

a brilliant restaurant.



8 Are you being paid for working during the




9 That puppy’s very cute, but it hasn’t been housetrained




10 If they haven’t been found by 9.30, we’ll have to

organize a search party.




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