jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Adults 4 Extra practice

Unit 1

Name: _______________________________________

1 How do you say these numbers and dates? Circle the

correct form (a or b).

Example 321

a three hundred and twenty-one

b three hundreds twenty-one

1 Liverpool 3–Chelsea 0 (football score)

a Liverpool three–Chelsea zero

b Liverpool three–Chelsea nil

2 01902 (phone code)

a nought one nine nought two

b oh one nine oh two

3 40–0 (tennis score)

a forty–love b forty–nil

4 7 May (date)

a the seventh of May b the seven of May

5 1999 (year)

a one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine

b nineteen ninety-nine


2 Complete the table with the other parts of speech. Two

examples have been given.

Noun Adjective Verb


promise promising promise

scare __________ __________

poison __________ __________

__________ organized __________

__________ __________ entertain

__________ __________ hate


3 Mark the stress on the following words.

Example 'promise

organized development promising

playful entertain

4 Complete the sentences with a compound noun or

adjective formed from life, house, or home. Make sure

you spell the word correctly (one word, two words, or

with a hyphen).

Example I never buy potatoes from a supermarket.

All our vegetables are home-grown.

1 My children hated living abroad. They were

__________ the whole time.

2 Since they won the lottery, they’ve enjoyed a

luxurious __________ .

3 I do my grandmother’s shopping as she is

__________ .

4 Due to advances in medical science, people’s

__________ has increased.

5 We’ve finished decorating, so we’re organizing a

__________ party for all our friends.

6 I was shocked to see the number of __________

people sleeping on the streets.

(2 points for each correct answer)

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, be,

or have. Some of the answers are negative.
Example Have you ever been to Japan?

1 I work in a large company, but I ____ like it very


2 ____ you been waiting long?

3 It’s very hot today, ____ it?

4 I don’t understand what they ____ saying.

5 The job ____ advertised in last night’s paper.

6 You don’t see your parents very often. When ____

they emigrate?

7 ‘Have you moved house yet?’ ‘No, we ____ .’

8 A new road ____ being built through the town

centre at the moment.


6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

verb in italics. One example has been given.


1 We have French classes twice a week.

2 Don’t call the office at one o’clock. We

____________________ a meeting.

3 You’re so lucky! You ____________________ three

holidays already this year.


4 I’m a designer, but I ____________________ in the

sales department at the moment.

5 She ____________________ in London when I last

saw her.

6 He ____________________ for three different

companies since last year.


7 Before she emigrated last year, she ____ never

____________________ abroad.

8 People ____________________ to the moon in the

25th century.

9 I ____________________ 5,000 miles by the end of

this month.

(2 points for each correct answer)

7 Make these sentences passive.

Example They’re repairing the bridge.

The bridge is being repaired.

1 Has someone repaired your car?


2 They haven’t printed the results yet.


3 They won’t tell the staff about the problems.


4 They are improving the property.


5 They don’t manufacture computers at that factory.


6 They will advertise the new product on TV.


7 They must do the work carefully.



8 Translate these sentences.

1 She took the plunge and decided to emigrate about

a month ago.



2 We all suffered from culture shock at first, but now

we feel very much at home.



3 You’re boring me with all your questions. Go and

look it up in a book.



4 If you’re bored, there’s plenty of housework to be




5 My life has changed a lot since I was made

redundant last year.



6 When my father was a child, his family decided to

move abroad.



7 When I went to London last week, I had dinner at

a brilliant restaurant.



8 Are you being paid for working during the




9 That puppy’s very cute, but it hasn’t been housetrained




10 If they haven’t been found by 9.30, we’ll have to

organize a search party.




Adults 1 Grammar Unit 1

Aquí teniu un resum de gramàtica del tema 1:

Pronouns and possessive adjectives:

Els pronoms acompanyen el verb (I am) i els adjectivius possessius acompanyen el nom (My friend).


To be (ser o estar):

Affirmative           Negative          Interrogative

I am                       I am not            Am I?
Your are               You are not       Are you?
He is                     He is not            Is he?
She is                   She is not           Is she?
It is                       It is not              Is it?
We are                 We are not         Are we?
You are                You are not       Are you?
They are               They are not      Are they?

Adults 1


Aquí teniu l'enllaç a la web corresponent al vostre llibre, on podreu trobar exercicis, jocs, gramàtica, vocabulari... Esperem que la feu servir i si teniu qualsevol dubte, pregunteu-nos!!
