lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

Babies 1, Thursday 20

Hello parents,

Avui hem acabat la unitat relacionada amb el WEATHER!!

La setmana que ve comencem unitat nova, ja que ja ens ho sabem tot!

See you next week!

Children 1, Tuesday 18

Hello parents,

Com bé sabeu estem d'"exams" així que quan acabem les teachers us informaran de com ha anat tot.

See you next week!

lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

babies 0, February 17

Hello parents!!

Avui hem començat la unitat 4.

Amb el Cookie i la Lulu the Kangaroo hem començat a aprendre el que és:


See you next week!!

Babies 1, February 13

Hello parents!!

Hem seguit treballant el weather.

See you next week!

Children 1, February 11

Hello parents,

Enrecordeu-vos que la setmana que ve iniciem els "exams"

See you next week!!

Babies 0, February 10

Hello parents!

Avui hem acabat la UNIT 3!!

Ja ens sabem els colors i els objectes que hem treballat!

Em fet un petit pòster final amb tot el que em treballat.

See you next week!

lunes, 10 de febrero de 2014

Babies 1, February 6


Avui hem fet diverses activitats-recordatori de tot el que hem fet fins ara!!

Relacionem conceptes, colors, etc...

L'Aina està molt contenta!

See you next week!

Babies 0, February 3

Hello parents,

Avui hem seguit amb els objects and colours.

Hem fet molt speaking i la Aina està molt contenta ja que ens en recordem de les paraules i sobretot pronunciem molt bé!!

See you next week!!

martes, 4 de febrero de 2014

February Exams

Children 1, Tuesday 18th February, oral and listening//Tuesday 25th February, grammar and vocabulary

Junior 1, Wednesday 19th February, oral, listening and reading//Monday 24th February, grammar and vocabulary

Junior 1, Thursday 20th February, oral, listening and reading// Thursday 27th February, grammar and vocabulary

Junior 2, Thursday 20th February, oral, listening and reading// Thursday 27th February, grammar and vocabulary

Junior 3, Thursday, 13th February, writing//Thursday 20th February, oral, listening and reading// Thursday 27th February, grammar and vocabulary

Junior 3, Friday 14th February, writing//Friday 21st February, oral, listening and reading//Friday 28th February, grammar and vocabulary

Adults 2, Thursday 20th February, writing and oral// Tuesday, 25th February, listening and reading// Thursday 27th February, grammar and vocabulary

Adults 3, Thursday 20th February, writing and oral// Tuesday, 25th February, listening and reading// Thursday 27th February, grammar and vocabulary

CAE,  Monday 17th February, reading// Wednesday 19th February, writing//Monday 24th February, listening and oral//Wednesday 26th February, use of English